Maternity photography is an emerging genre of photography, which is growing with a rapid pace as more and more parents want to keep these beautiful memories to be cherished forever. When a lady gets pregnant, it goes through a complete transformation of mind and body. An expecting mother body glows with the light of life inside. A professional maternity photographer captures the beauty of expecting mother with keeping in mind of her fabulous glow and curves.
But the key question remains that can you go to any photographer (lets say even if he\she is a professional photographer). I would strongly suggest against that. Photography an expecting mother requires a completely different level of skill set than any other genre of professional photography. And expecting parents should be very careful in deciding the maternity photographer because this is once in a life time photo shoot.
While expecting parents would be very excited to get their photo shoot, but at the same time its quite confusing also about how to choose a Maternity professional photographer. And it becomes even more confusing given the fact that market is full of photographers claiming to be maternity photographer.So how to choose a maternity photographer? Below are the few most basic things to ensure about newborn photographer before finalizing. Most of these verification can be done at the comfort of your home itself. All you need is access to internet and a digital device (laptop\cell etc,).
First and foremost, inquire about the professional experience of photographer. In today’s online world, it is least expected from a professional photographer to maintain a website. No website itself is a red flag as it would be hard for you to check the photographer work. If the photographer has a website, check for his\her past work in the field of maternity photography.Try to gauge that does the work looks original work of photographer or might be stolen piece of work (I have personally seen these instances).
You can also check Google reviews, but don’t rely on them fully as they are by third party who you don’t know. But you can still get a feel of photographer’s professional work. Check how personal the reviews are? See if the shoot details are provided, it shows that review provided there is genuine.
Check for the social media presence of the photographer. See if the photographer is active on social media platforms and what kind of work he\she is posting? Again a piece of advice, never ever go by the number of followers. There are many paid services in the market which can be used to get followers on your social media profile. So rather than number of followers, focus on the work posted by the photographer.
Another things to check about the photographer is the business listing on google maps. It adds to the genuineness of the photographer. It shows that the photographer does exist in the real world and where is he\she situated before you decide to make a visit to their studio?
Then one last point, which some of the professional maternity photographer might not agree as it adds a gender bias to selection process. But I would strongly suggest this point. I would suggest to opt for a Female maternity photographer who herself is a mother. The reason is simple and very obvious (some of us might deny it just to be politically correct but there are some things in this world which are inherently made by nature) , only a mother would know that how to handle a expecting mother. Only a mother knows what emotions a pregnant lady goes through?Only a mother could know the intricacies of a expecting mother body and curves. And only a mother would know the love of a expecting newborn and can transfer that love to photo shoot.
So these are few simple and easy to follow points to choose a Maternity photographer to get photo shoot. I hope you find it useful.
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